Innovative construction

We offer comprehensive services from administrative tasks to strategic coordination with subcontractors.
satisfied clients
years on the Czech market
m2 of industrial spaces
m2 of office spaces
satisfied clients
years on the Czech market
m2 of industrial spaces
m2 of office spaces
Our Team

Our Team

Our people are not only part of our implementation team, they are the heart of our company. With their leadership and passion, our projects gain not only quality but also a personal touch that is our brand. We are here to help you turn your ideas into reality and leave a mark of quality in the world of construction.

Selection from 2024


Office space NEOMED Offices
Office space NEOMEDOffices
Blood laboratories and common areas Blood laboratories
Blood laboratories and common areasBlood laboratories
Faculty of Science, Charles University Classrooms
Faculty of Science, Charles UniversityClassrooms
Office buildings - CT Park Hall
Office buildings - CT ParkHall

Our Services

Turnkey RealizationOur commitment in the field of general contracting covers the entire spectrum of project phases, creating a comprehensive and top-notch service for our clients. From the moment we take on your project to its successful completion, we are here to provide you with maximum support and ensure that your expectations are not only met but exceeded.
Project Management and TDIWe are here to take care of every aspect of your project from start to finish through our extensive range of services, from tendering to thorough coordination of individual contractors. Our unique project management capabilities enable us to be your partner throughout the journey, allowing you to fully focus on your core business activities while we carefully and efficiently manage all project processes.
Projection, Including EngineeringWe are here to fully satisfy and realize the visions of our clients. Our strength lies in the ability not only to respond to client demands but also to proactively offer comprehensive services that go beyond expectations. When a client expresses the need to create a project from scratch, our capabilities unfold to the fullest.

Currently Realizing

Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 0
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 1
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 2
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 3
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 4
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 5
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 6
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 7
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 8
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 9
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 10
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 11
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí undefined 12
Complete reconstruction of the aftercare area - Hospital Vrchlabí
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 0
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 1
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 2
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 3
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 4
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 5
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 6
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 7
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 8
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 9
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 10
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 11
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 12
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 13
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 14
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague undefined 15
Reconstruction of a modern apartment - Prague
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 0
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 1
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 2
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 3
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 4
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 5
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 6
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 7
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 8
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 9
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 10
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 11
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 12
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 13
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 14
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská undefined 15
Reconstruction of apartment - Pařížská
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 0
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 1
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 2
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 3
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 4
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 5
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 6
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 7
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 8
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 9
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov  undefined 10
Pension reconstruction - Jáchymov
Reconstruction of office space - Suaz Sokolov undefined 0
Reconstruction of office space - Suaz Sokolov undefined 1
Reconstruction of office space - Suaz Sokolov undefined 2
Reconstruction of office space - Suaz Sokolov undefined 3
Reconstruction of office space - Suaz Sokolov undefined 4
Reconstruction of office space - Suaz Sokolov undefined 5
Reconstruction of office space - Suaz Sokolov
Výstavba kancelářských a technologických objektu - CT Park Cerhovice undefined 0
Výstavba kancelářských a technologických objektu - CT Park Cerhovice undefined 1
Výstavba kancelářských a technologických objektu - CT Park Cerhovice undefined 2
Výstavba kancelářských a technologických objektu - CT Park Cerhovice undefined 3
Výstavba kancelářských a technologických objektu - CT Park Cerhovice undefined 4
Výstavba kancelářských a technologických objektu - CT Park Cerhovice undefined 5
Výstavba kancelářských a technologických objektu - CT Park Cerhovice undefined 6
Výstavba kancelářských a technologických objektu - CT Park Cerhovice undefined 7
Výstavba kancelářských a technologických objektu - CT Park Cerhovice
Complete reconstruction and extension of an apartment house - Smichov undefined 0
Complete reconstruction and extension of an apartment house - Smichov undefined 1
Complete reconstruction and extension of an apartment house - Smichov undefined 2
Complete reconstruction and extension of an apartment house - Smichov undefined 3
Complete reconstruction and extension of an apartment house - Smichov undefined 4
Complete reconstruction and extension of an apartment house - Smichov undefined 5
Complete reconstruction and extension of an apartment house - Smichov
Complete reconstruction of a first republic apartment - Prague Letná undefined 0
Complete reconstruction of a first republic apartment - Prague Letná undefined 1
Complete reconstruction of a first republic apartment - Prague Letná undefined 2
Complete reconstruction of a first republic apartment - Prague Letná undefined 3
Complete reconstruction of a first republic apartment - Prague Letná undefined 4
Complete reconstruction of a first republic apartment - Prague Letná undefined 5
Complete reconstruction of a first republic apartment - Prague Letná undefined 6
Complete reconstruction of a first republic apartment - Prague Letná
The Daluma Story

The Daluma Story

Our journey as a company began in 2021, and since then we have set a goal to provide not only professional but also reliable service to our clients. Our commitment to achieving maximum satisfaction with our work is a fundamental pillar of our identity and daily effort.


Follow Us

🎉🎆 VŠECHNO NEJLEPŠÍ DO NOVÉHO ROKU! 🎆🎉 Děkujeme všem našim zákazníkům a partnerům za důvěru v uplynulém roce. 💛 Těšíme se na nové výzvy, projekty a společné sny, které v roce 2025 proměníme ve skutečnost. 🏠💪 Ať je váš rok pevný jako základ našich staveb! 🛠️✨
Jak už jste možná poznali, jedná se o naši stavbu v Žižicích 🏠. Rozhodli jsme se vám natočit krátkou prohlídku, abyste získali lepší představu 🎥. Těšíme se, až vás jednou provedeme naposledy – snad už na jaře 🌷, až se bude bydlet! 🛋️✨
⚖️ Dana – náš finanční pilíř a mistryně rozpočtů! ⚖️ Představujeme vám nepostradatelnou členku týmu DALUMA s.r.o. – Danu! 📊💼 Dana se stará o finance a rozpočty s přesností a její důkladnost a přehled v číslech nás každý den posouvají vpřed. 🧮✨ Je to právě Dana, kdo se stará, aby se naše projekty držely ve stanoveném rozpočtu a včas odhalí sebemenší nesrovnalosti. Její spolehlivost a pracovitost jsou pro nás neocenitelné, a nejen proto ji všichni v týmu máme moc rádi! ❤️🌟 A i když Dana drží pevně otěže rozpočtů, dokáže vždy vytvořit příjemnou atmosféru a podporovat nás jako jeden ze stavebních kamenů našeho týmu. 🏛️ #DALUMAteam #MeetDana #financnimistr #spolehlivastena #rozpoctovymajstr #teamovaopora
Výstavba rodinného dvojdomku v Žižicích v plném proudu!🏠 V posledních dnech jsme se zaměřili na důležité detaily – dokončili jsme drenáže okolo domu, aby bylo vše připraveno na správné odvodnění. Zateplujeme, izolujeme terasu a každý den posouváme projekt o další kus vpřed. 💪🌞 Těšíme se na výsledky, protože každý detail přispívá k tomu, aby se budoucí majitelé cítili doma opravdu dobře. ❤️ #stavba #výstavba #dvojdomek #Žižice#rodinnýdům #zateplení #drenáže #terasa #izolace #architecture #buildingprogress
